Create a Github Access Token

  1. In the top right, click on your icon and then “Settings

2. You will be brought to a new page, on the bottom of the menu for this page, there is a link called “Developer settings”, click on this link:


3. You will be brought to a new page, on the bottom of the menu for this page, there is a link called “Personal access token”, click on this link:

4. Next, you will see some buttons at the top of the screen, click the “Generate new token” button

5. Fill in the “Note” with the name of the app or project, using hyphens instead of spaces:

6. Next we need to select the scopes that this token has access to.  We only need access to users, notifications and the repos.  Check only these boxes:

7. Now click “Generate token”:

8. All done!  Go ahead and send the generated token (the long combination of letters and numbers) to us!