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Update Crashlytics Bundle ID for iOS

  1. To start, you will need to be signed into your Google account (Gmail)
  2. Navigate here: https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/ and you will see this screen, click on the existing project you want to update

3. Once inside, click on the “gear” icon next to “Manage Projects” and then select “Project Settings”

4. Click “Remove this app”

5. Click “Remove app permanently”

6. The old settings will disappear and you will now see something that says “There are no apps in your project.”  Click on the iOS icon

7. Fill this out like normal, making sure to use the new Bundle ID.  Follow steps 10-14 from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxLT5VQzTuTzPulBU4tF_NjmSxd6bQVXgFYL12UKank/edit?usp=sharing to create the new configuration file that has the new Bundle ID.